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Water Accountability in Transboundary Chu-Talas River Basins

Titulo largo: 
Water Accountability in Transboundary Chu-Talas River Basins
Aclaración sobre la localización: 
Chu/ Talas basins
Nombre del Cliente: 
Fecha de inicio: 
December, 2016
Fecha de finalización: 
December, 2021
Organsimo financiador: 
Descripción del proyecto: 

The project "Water Accountability in Transboundary Chu-Talas River Basins" financed by SDC aims at the promotion of a modern, sustainable and transparent water resources management in the Chu-Talas River Basins that can serve as a blue print for an effective transboundary resources management at national and regional level.

This project which started in December 2016 focuses on the complete modernization of the bottom-up demand scheduling and the top-down supply-driven water distribution system in the Chu-Talas River Basins. It includes:
-     First, the full digitization and automatization of the accounting procedures in place with state-of-the-art information technology; 
-     Second, the development of new capabilities for planning, effective operational analysis as well as reporting and data/knowledge exchange.

Whereas in the existing system, data requests had in many cases to be communicated via fax and or telephone in a tedious manner, using a modern digital WIS-type system, the stakeholders will be able to immediately query selected data on their computer terminals and or tablets in a safe and secure manner. The data will be available for operational use and / or for reporting etc. and prepared in a way that it is easily accessible and understandable for all stakeholders, from the WUA level up to the national and transboundary scales.

Descripción de los servicios prestados por la OIA: 

The activities led by the IOWater mainly aim to increase the water delivery effectiveness though better on-time data management, processing and information production and dissemination. Among the main results it is particularly expected that thanks to the improvement of the water data management procedures:
-     At local level, the authority in charge of water allocation for irrigation will have the capacity to follow on line (on tablet) the status of water allocation situation on a daily basis;
-     At basin and national level, the national and basin authority will have access to new national information services (reports, indicators, bulletins, maps) facilitating the analyze of the water allocation efficiency per sector  and per canal;
-     At transboundary level, the transboundary data sharing will be reinforced with regular production of transboundary bulletins of water resource and water allocation situation.

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