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Hydrological monitoring of the Mekong River Basin - Final evaluation of the Mekong-HYCOS Project

Titulo largo: 
Hydrological monitoring of the Mekong River Basin - Final evaluation of the Mekong-HYCOS Project
Aclaración sobre la localización: 
Cambodge, Laos, Thaïlande, Vietnam
MRC : Vientiane, Laos
Nombre del Cliente: 
Commission du bassin du Mékong (MRC)
Fecha de inicio: 
March, 2012
Fecha de finalización: 
July, 2012
Organsimo financiador: 
Nombre de los partenarios eventuales: 
ISL Ingénierie
Descripción del proyecto: 

The Mekong River Commission has been developing the Mekong-HYCOS Project with the support  of AFD and FFEM since 2006.

This project is part of the WHYCOS (World Hydrological Cycle Observing System) program, developed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in response to the inadequacy or lack, in many parts of the world, of accurate data and information on freshwater resources accessible in real time.

The main target of Mekong-HYCOS Project is to ensure the availability of hydro-meteorological data on the basin, both at the MRC Secretariat and in the four Member States. Each country is responsible for the maintenance of its measurement stations (with the support of the Secretariat), provides flood forecasts on its territory and shares information under Mekong-HYCOS.

Descripción de los servicios prestados por la OIA: 

•    Documentary analysis
•    Realization of field studies
•    Elaboration of evaluation criteria
•    Evaluation reporting (provisional and final versions)


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