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Technical support to the implementation of IWRM in Ghana

Titulo largo: 
Technical support to the implementation of IWRM in Ghana
Aclaración sobre la localización: 
Nombre del Cliente: 
Water Resource Commission, White Volta Basin Board
Fecha de inicio: 
December, 2012
Fecha de finalización: 
December, 2018
Organsimo financiador: 
Agence de l'Eau Loire-Bretagne (AELB)
Nombre de los partenarios eventuales: 
Descripción del proyecto: 

The Loire-Brittany Water Agency (AELB), the White Volta Basin board and the Ghana Water Resource Commission (WRC) have agreed to develop joint actions in the field of integrated water resources management and decentralized cooperation. The activities started lated 2012 have taken place in Ghana in 2013 and 2014.

Descripción de los servicios prestados por la OIA: 

-    Capacity building
-    Settlement of a Basin Committee
-    Support to the elaboration of a Masterplan for water development and management


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