MALAYSIA - Operation of a waste water treatment plant working by activated sludge process: audit and training session
MONIN exploits a waste water treatment plant presenting a number of dysfunctions which can damage the quality of the treated liquid rejections. MONIN call the International Office from Water to bring an expertise and make recommendations to improve the process. Furthermore, to bring the skills necessary for the operating staff, the International Office from Water realized a training course.
1 - Realization of an audit and a training session "Operation of a water-treatment plant by activated sludges " for 3 persons with delivery of pedagogical documentation and realization of practical works
- Characterization of pollutants : COD, BOD5, SS, pollutant flow, water chmistry
- Define the check points of waste water treatment plant by activated sludges
- Principle of activated sludge treatment and basic regulations
- To master the first tests and make a diagnostic
- Practical work: realisation of operation test and , interpretation of results
- To connect the results obtained to the basic regulations: aeration, recirculation and extraction.
- To Know the principles and the constraints of operation on the water and sludge sector
- General diagram of your water-treatment plant
- Role of pretreatments (screening, buffer tank, neutralization)
- Characterization of treated pollution by the different processes
- Detailled study of activated sludge operation: aeration, recirculation, extraction
- Importance of sensors : pH, flow, SS, O2, Redox
- Principle and objectives of treatment by activated sludge: utility of structures, operation rules
- Definition and localisation of check points : raw water, aeration tank, clarifieur,
Treated water, etc
- Control on your plant : observations (odour, colour), tests (limpidity, settlement, nitrogen, oxydability), mesures (oxygen, pH, redox, concentration and top level of sludge).
- Interpretation of controls : validation and grading of results, definition of values marks,
Diagnosis of operation.
- Sludge sector : steps, quality, end use.
Implementation after data reception of a first working review
Critical analysis oy your plant with the first plant working system synthesis and the first recommendations
Identify runways of improvement of the sludge treatment without major modification of the installation
Remote work from the data transmitted by MONIN MALAISIA