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"Aegean river integrated water resources use planning and management"

Nombre del Cliente: 
Turkish Ministry for the Environment
Fecha de inicio: 
November, 1997
Fecha de finalización: 
February, 1999
Organsimo financiador: 
Descripción del proyecto: 

In order to develop a policy of integrated river basin management in Turkey, the Ministry of Environment and the General directorate of State Hydraulic Work in Turkey launched a project financed by the French Ministry of Finance (FASEP) and coordinated by IOWater.

This pilot project named "Aegean river integrated water resources use planning and management", aimed to organise an integrated management of water resources (infrastructures and pollution control) for three Aegean rivers, GEDIZ, KUZEY EGE and MENDERES, in the Izmir area.

IOWater was particularly in charge to study the possibilies of creating and implementing basin information systems for the management of the data related to water management in these basins.

Descripción de los servicios prestados por la OIA: 

Feasibility study for the creation of the River basin information systems necessaries for the integrated management of the Aegean Rivers in Turkey.
Various IOWater missions allowed to define :
- The objectives to be set for this system, based on an analysis of the local partners’ expectations ;
- The organisation of the management structure and the necessary co-ordination for the efficient operation of this system ;
- The identification of the information to be collected and the organisation of the information flow between partners, while ensuring that the quality of the data exchanged is controlled.


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