Study of data flow and information needs related to water demand and supply in the irrigation sector at local and national level
A new SDC/SECO 2012-2015 Water Programme has been defined, which include activities to achieve ‘A transparent mechanism for the exchange of water related data and a decision support system introduced at national level and coordinated at regional level, facilitating decision making processes’. The exchange of robust, reliable data is a key challenge for the development of any water resource DSS, not only at the regional but also the national level.
Kyrgyzstan is located upstream of the Syrdarya, one of the two main transboundary water basins of the Aral Sea. As most streams in Central Asia, the Syrdarya, is concerned with inter-state conventions allocating water dowstream to more than 50% of its internal renewable water resources. Kyrghyzstan has the biggest regional water storage, whose function is hydroelectricity production, the only endogenous source of energy. Agriculture, with 20% of the GDP, represents a strong economic sector using more than 90% of total national water abstraction. However, at local level, farmers and water managers are lacking data and information to assess accurately global needs.
SDC will develop, as part of its water programme, a new project targeting improved water data and information flow and management at the local and national level and the linkages to the regional coordination. Considering the running activities related to data management in Central Asia which are technically coordinated by the International Office for Water (OIEau), SDC has been asking OIEau to manage a preliminary study.
Two missions took place in May and July 2012, a special focus was done on the Ferghana area, and a national worshop was organized in order to discuss the provisional findings.
1. Analysis of the institutional/organizational context of irrigation water supply management and water demand management and identification of the various actors producing, managing and using the data and information related to water for irrigation at various level from local to national;
2. Identification and analysis of the existing information systems and data sets (computerised and on paper) and various processes for data exchange between the data producers and users ;
3. Analysis of needs for data and information within the various decision and planning process related to matching water supply and demand for irrigation (global needs assessment, seasonal planning, and operational management);
4. Recommendations in order to reinforce the production and exchange of data and information necessary to improve the operational planning and management of water for irrigation, in order to better answer to the needs of the water users and to improve the rational use of water at national and basin levels.