Technical Assistance for Flood risk management on the downstream watershed of the Saigon River
The French Development Agency (AFD) is financing a 24-month project implemented by the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development, which consists in 2 components:
- the construction of hydraulic protection constructions (dikes, locks)
- a technical assistance aiming at supporting the local authorities in their institutional and strategic thinking about flood hazards.
IOWater was assigned by AFD for the formalization of this institutional component and the identification of the most suitable Vietnamese institutions to be responsible for this component. These objectives were achieved with the local assistance of SCE.
1. Analysis of the Vietnamese institutional background as regards Flood Risk Management:
- identification of main institutions;
- analysis of assignments, of financial and human resources, and of inter-relationship between the institutions;
- analysis of the legal framework.
2. Working-groups with the various institutions in charge: identification of their needs and discussion on the required technical assistance.
3. Drafting of a report detailing a program for strengthening institutional capacity, and proposing owners for this component.